Dasa Wired 7
Bucking System
Dasa Wired 7 is a robust control system for bucking with few units and fast response times. Dasa Wired 7 uses a cable over the crane. The cable contains conductors for both communication and power supply of the harvester head unit.
ABOUT Dasa Wired 7 (0122-00)
Dasa Wired 7 is a robust control system for bucking with few units and fast response times. Dasa Wired 7 uses a cable over the crane and the cable contains conductors for both communication and power supply of the head control unit. In combination with our powerful computers and software for bucking, Dasa Wired 7 becomes reliable and efficient control system. 7 stands for generation 7.
Fast response time
Compact units
Can be combined with several computer and software options
Units in the Dasa Wired 7 system:
dIX30BR Communication unit
dIX30C Head control unit
dAX20 Cabin interface unit (optional)
Computer options:
Software options:
Dasa H70
Dasa H60
Dasa H50