Fleet Software
The Software receives and processes all the incoming data and transforms it into useful information.
A complete solution developed for mobile machines and applications.
The Software receives and processes all the incoming data and transforms it into useful information.
The wireless Communication enables the data to travel from a machine to a computer, tablet or smart phone.
The Hardware gathers the information from the machine.
A complete solution developed for mobile machines and applications. Read more under Fleet Management as a solution.
Dasa Fleet 3.0 一 Maximize Your Fleet
Make your fleet reach its full capacity while saving resources. With the help of cloud based software, user friendly platform and global SIM-card combined with a powerful and wireless hardware, Dasa Fleet 3.0 is compatible for all types of mobile machines and ready to be implemented all over the world. Ready to be customized with your logo, expression and brand.
Third Generation Fleet Management 一 Real-time, Global, Remote Monitoring and Control
Coordinate, support and update your fleet remotely from anywhere in the world. Receive live updates regarding production, fuel consumption, tire pressure and alarms for every individual machine. Increase utilization and maximize the capacity of the machine by identifying best practices, optimal routes and generating geofences.Receive notifications and information with necessary measures and reminders of upcoming service. Gain unique insights of your machine usage. And handle every user by selecting the appropriate authority level. With full support and education from Dasa.